Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finally, photos

These two are the whole gang mini golfing in North Myrtle.
This is what happens when you have the air conditioning set quite cold and take the camera to the beach. it really wasn't hazy! The girls always like "pre-ocean" pictures as post ocean pics tend to have salt and sand and messed up hair.

Above, sunrise from our Condo in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hot but beautiful. Below, a half finished Gator Scarf, pattern from morehousemerino.com -- it cracks me up.
The next 2 pics are of the market bag from Knitty. There is a "prefelted" photo someplace earlier. Fun shape. It always amazes me how small felted things actually get. I think I would have made this bigger. But I really like how the colors blended.

That's it for now, happy knitting!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I am making an alligator scarf now. Love it!! Did ya get to the yarn shop in North Myrtle? We just came home and we had one rainy day down there so I made it to the yarn shop. I love that store. Glad you all had a good time.