Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Knitting is actually a Love Language

One of the best books ever written as far as being practical (aside from Knitting technique books, of course!) is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It discusses how we all have five love languages but are most blessed, or touched, by one (or sometimes two) of the five. The five love languages are: Quality Time, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Gifts.

Knitting encompasses all of these love languages; let me explain. Knitting is definitely physical touch -- who can resist the feel of a soft yarn and the differing textures of fiber? And when we admire knitting, does anyone NOT run their hands over the weave? Or is this why yarn shop owners follow me around as I feel my way around the store?

Knitting is gifts, too -- even when we make something for ourselves or our home. It is generosity, a labor of love, lots of hours combined with stitches and colors. And if you haven't been gifted by a fellow knitter an extra ball of yarn, it's a great feeling! More on this in another post!

Knitting is quality time -- a cherished and precious commodity, to be sure, is our time. In these busy days of _____________(you name it, or substitute "life"), to be able to create something in a few minutes here and there is an expression of love.

Knitting is also an act of service. Go visit a LYS knitting class if you're skeptical. Knitters help other knitters. Knitters offer instruction. Knitters stop what they are doing to admire something, to lend a hand. Go to a knitting group and look around. And when we knit something for someone, it is more than yarn and stitches, it is an investment. It represents hours that actually could have been spent doing something else.

Knitting is, lastly, words of affirmation. We encourage, we love it when there is a compliment. We offer support, direction, praise for quality and effort. Yarn store owners know this : "that would be a great color on you", or "imagine this yarn as a hat/sweater/wrap/sock", or even the inevitable "feel this" as they put it in your hand! We all remember the nervousness as we show off a project and the warm fuzzy (sometimes literally -- you know, that might just have originated with knitting?!) we get when our work is affirmed.

Sorry for the long post, but knitting for me is definitely a love language! And if you haven't read the book, I strongly recommend it!!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I've never read this book, but I think I will now. I love the way you connect it to knitting. Knitting is one of the best ways I have found to express love to family, friends, and even strangers who see me knitting in public and strike up conversations with me.